Seeking Balance

2 - Kharanos

Seeking Balance

The mountains surrounding Kharanos are white, snow-covered, and serene, bringing peace to the casual onlooker. Or at least they would, if the casual onlooker wasn't hanging on for dear life from a gnomish gyrocopter. This contraption flew at speeds mother nature clearly never intended for fleshy beings, making sounds that seriously made you question the criteria for aviation licensing. Do you know what happens to a night elf druid when he comes crashing down a mountain on a flaming, amorphous pile of metal, fuel, and gnome flesh? Neither do I, and I really did not care to find out Thankfully, and against all odds, Milo Geartwinge brought me to the ground safe and sound before departing.

Kharanos, alive with the clanking of blacksmiths and the merry slosh of ale, offers a stark contrast to the icy warfare that surrounds it. Here, the laughter of dwarves mingles with tales of old, and the air is thick with the heady scent of the famous Thunderbrew Distillery's finest brews—a testament to the unyielding spirit of its people. This place was completely destroyed during the Cataclysm, yet today it stands almost indistinguishable from its original form, with barely any sign that it has been rebuilt.

Seeking Balance

Even amidst such hearty company, the call to arms is urgent. The local dwarves, stretched thin by numerous battles across Alliance territories, have enlisted my help to fend off the encroaching Frostmane trolls and the menacing Wendigos. With their forces dwindling and conflict points multiplying, they've entrusted the defense of this beautiful place to my capable hands—or, more precisely, to my capable feathery paws. From this point on, the enemies I encounter will be exactly my level, and no matter how much I train, I will never be able to surpass them (Because I have deactivated my experience bar. Weird, I know, but please be patient. I know a shady guy in Stormwind; I'll tell you all about him when we get there). Therefore, I must rely fully on the spectrum of my druidic powers.

Seeking Balance

And with that, let me introduce you to my favorite form: the Moonkin. Serene and powerful, the Moonkin are believed by the night elves and tauren to have been created by the moon goddess Elune to protect her sacred places. They resemble a cross between a bear and a horned owl, which embodies their wisdom and ferocity, possessing all the best traits of Elune’s beloved night birds and the brute force of benevolent bears.

Sadly, all the power of the moon and stars cannot save you if you are not careful. While exploring a local Wendigo cave, I failed to react quickly to an incoming attack and experienced my first death on this journey.

Seeking Balance

In the World of Warcraft, death is not a significant setback, especially for night elves. When a night elf dies, they transform into a wisp form, becoming swift-moving orbs of light that see the world in black and white, devoid of color and inhabitants. This allows them to move freely and quickly return to where they perished. Back at the place of their death, they resurrect and are on their feet in no time.

Seeking Balance

Similarly, in my everyday life, I also have a "wisp form." When I feel down, defeated, or suffer a significant loss, I become disconnected from reality until I can find my way back to where I left off. Sometimes this recovery process is straightforward, but other times, it can be very challenging. I might spend days alone in my room, immersed in reading or video games, as I mentally navigate back to my previous state. Thankfully, I am surrounded by friends and family who are understanding and supportive, helping guide me back.

After finding my way back, I transformed into my trusty feral cat form, slipped into stealth mode, and returned to safety. Once I had gathered my bearings, I revisited that cave and informed the dwarves stationed there that they needed to regroup at their home base, as the conflict with the Frostmane continued to escalate.

Seeking Balance

Furthermore, I undertook a quest to report to Stellgrill's Depot, a hub for gnome covert operations against the Frostmane. There, I learned about their development of an "ultrasafe" teleportation device designed to transport operatives behind enemy lines. Fortuitously, I was chosen to test it. Thus, it seems I’m off to infiltrate the Frostmane retreat—provided, of course, the gnomes’ device doesn’t crisp me like bacon.

Until next time,

Blennon's journey takes place in the Argent Dawn(EU) server. If you want to keep following Blennon's adventures, subscribe to my blog via email or RSS feed.

Seeking Balance Grabbing a little something to eat before my next adventure #dwarvenbrunch #healthyeating #blessed #foodblogger #fyp