Seeking Balance

4 - Amberstill Ranch

Seeking Balance

Traditionally, when one thinks of a ranch, they imagine the wild wild west—cowboys, wild stallions, and horses representing freedom—not dwarves breeding rams. Yet, the noble ram is the cornerstone of the dwarven infantry, and they have to come from somewhere. One such place is Amberstill Ranch, teeming with fine rams of various species and pedigrees. According to Sergeant Flinthammer, trolls have been attacking the ranch at night, wreaking havoc and stealing the rams for themselves. Naturally, I was more than happy to lend a hand.

Seeking Balance

My desire for some western action was not left unsatisfied, because as soon as the Sergeant finished briefing me, the trolls appeared, ready to plunder once more. There was an epic standoff between the Frostmane Trolls and goat herders, but to be fair, the trolls came extremely underprepared for this task. I guess the old saying holds true—never bring a knife to a gunfight, especially if the gun guys also have a druid with ridiculously strong spells.

Seeking Balance

With the ranch secured, all that was left was to recover the stolen goats. And that blessed me with a sight for sore eyes—a troll riding a goat into battle against me. He really looked like a teenage punk on a stolen moped, trying to look cool and thuggy, yet unaware of the simple fact that his face would soon be embedded in the pavement.

Seeking Balance

Rudra Amberstill, one of the dwarves living at the ranch, asked me to also lend them a hand with something else—a big bad Wendigo named Vagash who was preying on their herd. Remembering how I died brutally in another Wendigo cave a few adventures ago, I saw this as my chance for revenge! I came in prepared, with buffs and potions, and Vagash literally died before he could land a second hit on me. Truth be told, in the old days he used to be a lot tougher, and a bit famous. He would even be referenced in pop culture—does anyone remember "Wish Upon A Gnome"?

Seeking Balance

Before leaving Amberstill Ranch, I noticed a young female dwarf named Yarlyn Amberstill chasing a rabbit, calling it by what I can only assume to be its name in Dwarven, which translates to "Fluffy" in the common tongue. I talked to her about it, and apparently, she sells Snowshoe Rabbits for a couple of silvers! I absolutely had to buy one. I even gave him a special name, which in my native tongue means "the rabbit destined for greatness."

Seeking Balance

Sergeant was really happy with the outcome of my efforts at Amberstill Ranch. So happy, in fact, that he asked me to go help his cousin who works for the Foreman at Gol'Bolar Quarry, now flooded with troggs. As much as I hate fighting troggs—they literally did nothing wrong and are just trying to exist underground—I'm afraid I'll have to do a bit of population control.

Until next time,

Blennon's journey takes place in the Argent Dawn(EU) server. If you want to keep following Blennon's adventures, subscribe to my blog via email or RSS feed.

Seeking Balance Got a new fluffy friend! And I am gonna call him...