Seeking Balance

5 - Gol'Bolar Quarry

Seeking Balance

The quarry wasn't far from the ranch, so I decided to go there on foot. Usually, I prefer to fly, and this might be the best time to introduce you to one of my other forms: the Sentinel. The Sentinel is a form of Kaldorei (night elf) owl. I can transform into other birds as well, sometimes choosing the Raven because of its mystical connotations, but the Sentinel is my go-to form for flying long distances. Of course, every adventurer in World of Warcraft has access to flying with a mount like a gryphon, for example. Druids, however, are the only ones who get flight forms, and there is something incredibly liberating about being able to fly on your own, without any external help.

Seeking Balance

If I'm being honest, it's part of my own power fantasy—to be free, able to traverse earth, sea, and sky alike, with absolute freedom and little to no worries. And now you see why I never got good at this game—I spent most of my time just running, jumping, swimming, flying, anything but practicing my combat skills. If you ask me, that was time well spent. It's a bit sad that I can't safely do these things in real life, but at least I can do them in my fantasies.

Anyway, this time I chose to walk. It was only a short path that had basically nothing of interest, maybe one or two wild animals, some ore I could mine, and a humble guardhouse with three guards, two male and one female. Now, I don't know what made me want to explore this little unassuming building in the middle of nowhere, but what I found? I REALLY did not expect.

Seeking Balance

In the basement of the miniature outpost, is a dwarven love nest! See how there are candles to set the mood, a glass vial of wine, and rose petals, leading from the bed to the animal pelt in front of the fireplace? Oh my Titans, that poor dead animal has certainly seen things.

Seeking Balance

Trying to keep my thoughts away from dwarven guards doing the dirty between shifts, I finally reached the Quarry. The Foreman tells me that the cousin of the Sergeant from the ranch is fine, but there are still miners trapped inside, and he asks me to go save them. Other dwarves also want some things from me—one wants me to slay some troggs, another wants me to search for precious ancient artifacts. I thought that this really reflects how people respond to a tragedy. Some people will focus on helping the people who need saving first. Others will instantly demand the punishment of those responsible. And of course there are those who will try to limit the financial losses to a minimum. Anyhow, they are all on my way, so I jump straight into action.

Seeking Balance

But the problem is that I killed all the troggs, I found all the artifacts, and saved all the miners, and still, there were some paths in this cave I had not explored. Should I press forward and find what's lurking at the end of the cave or would it be better if I turned back?

Seeking Balance

The question is obviously rhetorical; I pushed on and what I found did not disappoint—a rare trogg, waiting for me to battle him. Once again, if I am prepared for an encounter, it is very difficult to lose, so I quickly disposed of the guy and returned to the surface with everyone's requests fulfilled.

Seeking Balance

Everyone is super happy to see me, and they let me know that we have almost stabilized the situation in Dun Morogh. Almost. There remains a small problem—an entire detachment is MIA and I should probably go explore their camp and see why they are not reporting back. Time to explore Sergeant Bahrum's post, I guess!

Until next time,

Blennon's journey takes place in the Argent Dawn(EU) server. If you want to keep following Blennon's adventures, subscribe to my blog via email or RSS feed.

Seeking Balance
I tried to Google how do people make gold these days, and apparently they post online pictures of themselves without any equipment on? Am I doing this right, am I rich yet?