Seeking Balance

8 - Ironforge

Seeking Balance

When Commander Stonebreaker declared that the Dark Iron dwarves must answer for this attack, everyone cheered. When Commander Stonebreaker stated that Moira Thaurissan must be confronted, everyone cheered again. When Commander Stonebreaker handed me his report and said that I was the one who would go all the way to Ironforge, enter the throne room alone, and accuse Moira Thaurissan of high treason right to her face, everyone cheered but me. And so, I was on my way to Ironforge.

Seeking Balance

I will never forget the first time I entered Ironforge, almost 20 years ago. As the gryphon swooped under the portcullis and soared above the giant statue of Modimus Anvilmar, the last High King of the united dwarves of Ironforge, only to slip through an impossibly narrow opening in the outer fortifications with jaw-dropping precision, I made a promise to myself that one day I would return here in full glory. Sadly, that dream never came to pass, and it never will.

Seeking Balance

No, I’m not being pessimistic—the sad reality is that nowadays, Ironforge is empty. This place once bustled as the center of our everyday lives. Located right next to the most popular dungeons and all major raiding locations, and equipped with a bank and an auction house, this quarter was once literally brimming with people. Some were showing off their new gear, others were looking to form a group for a dungeon run or two, and many were simply socializing.

Seeking Balance

Others, however, were not so wholesome. There were people who would try to scam you out of your money by initiating a trade and removing their item at the last minute—if you weren’t careful, you could lose a fortune. Some attempted to steal your account information or get you banned. And there was even an adult industry. See that mailbox? It was once a spot where hot female night elves would climb atop and dance in very revealing outfits, while people gave them money to keep dancing. I know these aspects sound horrible, but aren't they a good representation of an actual city? You have your heroes and villains, your friends and foes, people from all walks of life. And now, it just lies here, barren and empty.

Seeking Balance

It feels so strange being the only person here. I keep expecting Frosty to message me any minute now, asking to hang out. Right now, in real life, my eyes are teared up. So much time has passed, so many things have changed. And yet, Ironforge still stands exactly as I remember it, even if it is empty. If that isn’t the embodiment of dwarven resilience, I don’t know what is.

But I must not let my attachments hold me back. I am here on a mission, and that is to confront Moira Thaurissan and live to tell the tale. Let’s enter the throne room and hope for the best.

Seeking Balance

Here they are, the Council of Three Hammers. There's definitely some tea here, so sit comfortably and allow me to share with you the tale of Magni Bronzebeard, the King of Ironforge.

Magni was known for his fierce leadership, booming voice, and a beard that could shelter a family of gnomes. He's the type of guy who would arm wrestle a mountain... and win.

Magni's love for his kingdom was as deep as the caverns of Deepholm. So, when Azeroth was shaking apart during the Cataclysm, he didn’t just sit on his throne polishing his crown. No, he sought to save his world by undergoing an ancient ritual. But as with any DIY project, things didn’t go quite as planned. Instead of communing with the earth, he became part of it—turning into a diamond statue. Talk about taking your job seriously! Nowadays, that statue has sort of... moved. Let's just leave it at that.

Magni had no sons but one daughter, Moira, who we thought was kidnapped by the Dark Iron dwarves. However, it turned out she was actually in love with their Emperor, Dagran Thaurissan, and they eloped and got married. To complicate things further, Moira had a son, Dagran Thaurissan II, who will be the legitimate king of both the Ironforge and Dark Iron dwarves. An entire war erupted over this matter, which I won’t delve into further, but keep in mind that Moira is one of the Three Hammers for good reason, and when her son comes of age, he will be the sole ruler of Ironforge.

Seeking Balance

So, naturally Moira denies all accusations. After all, why would she use one half of her son's heritage to attack the other half? That leaves only one scenario open to consideration. Moira is losing control of the Dark Iron dwarves, and someone in her close circle has organized a sort of coup without her knowing. Our #1 suspect is the Ambassador of Dark Iron dwarves in Ironforge, so we pay him a visit.

Seeking Balance

Well, that went better than expected. He admits that he is working for the cult of the Twilight Hammer, and regrets nothing as the guards drag him away. And this concludes our time in Dun Morogh! Thank you for following me so far. Our next chapter if finally the official start of our journey towards the title of Loremaster.

Until next time,

Blennon's journey takes place in the Argent Dawn(EU) server. If you want to keep following Blennon's adventures, subscribe to my blog via email or RSS feed.

Seeking Balance I've had it! I'm bringing sexy back, even if I have to do it all by myself! After all, nobody can tell apart a male and a female owlbear... and live to tell the tale.