Seeking Balance

Chapter 2, Part 1 - The Road To Thelsamar

The next chapter of our adventure picks up right where we left off—in Ironforge, inside the Throne Room of the Three Hammers. There, we encounter Mountaineer Barleybrew who, after waiting hours to get an audience with the council, is clearly fed up. So much so, that he decides to delegate his report to me instead and asks me to set things straight. I'm getting major Anvilmar flashbacks, but he's insistent and even offers to pay for my Uber.

Seeking Balance

And by Uber, I mean the only transportation any self-respecting dwarf would consider—a griffon. The flightmaster assures me we'll be in Loch Modan in no time. Fun fact: flightmasters are extremely hard to kill if you’re a player from the opposite faction because it disrupts the game significantly.

Upon reaching the South Gate Outpost, I learn about a pilot who has gone missing near Helm’s Bed Lake. I was just there a few chapters ago and saw no one, but a second look couldn't hurt. Sure enough, I find the dwarf—or rather, what’s left of him.

Seeking Balance

It turns out the dwarf was ambushed by Mangeclaw while searching for a precious ore used in engineering. Mangeclaw, known to some from hanging around Miggi at “The Empty Quiver” in Stormwind, now faces my wrath as the dwarf's final writings ask for vengeance. The area holds no surprises, and I quickly summon the power of the moon and stars to essentially fry Mangeclaw as he is charging towards me.

After reporting back at the South Gate Outpost, instead of a simple 'well done,' I’m instructed to report to Captain Rugelfuss in the Valley of Kings. He casually informs me that I need to clean up the entire area. GG, I guess. Once again, I find myself battling troggs and navigating caves, but my patience as a night elf serves me well. After securing the Valley of Kings, it’s onwards to Thelsamar.

Seeking Balance

Ah, Thelsamar, the bustling hub of the region. Most tasks here are trivial—kill a few spiders, some bears, help 'control' the local gnoll population. Interestingly, the bear task isn't about safety—it's culinary. The dwarves literally want bear meat for sausages, echoing the phrase, 'I eat bears for breakfast!' My reward? Learning the sausage recipe. At the local inn, Cannary Caskshot catches my eye with her line, 'Keep staring, I don’t get any prettier.' Definitely a reason to return for a beer later.

One last task in Thelsamar involves sniffing out a Dark Iron spy. I have his location and plenty of time to prepare, so this should be easy… until it’s not. As I engage the spy, everything becomes blurry and hazy—the rare Dark Iron courier’s attacks make me drunk! It’s the first time I’ve seen alcohol used as a weapon.

Seeking Balance

With that out of the way, it’s time to travel to Algaz Station and offer my assistance there. All in all, the first part of Loch Modan builds on the lore from Dun Morogh, emphasizing the theme of being a soldier on multiple fronts in a war.

Until next time,

Blennon's journey takes place in the Argent Dawn(EU) server. If you want to keep following Blennon's adventures, subscribe to my blog via email or RSS feed.

Seeking Balance