Seeking Balance

Chapter 2, Part 3 - The Farstrider Lodge

After dismantling the Axis of Awful with the help of a very hungover Cannary, it was time to straighten out the rest of our Thelsamar business. Remember that Dark Iron spy? He had stolen important pages from the League of Explorers, Azeroth’s most prominent historical society, and scattered them across Loch Modan for his allies to collect. Fortunately, I had his notebook, so recovering the pages wasn’t too difficult.

To express their gratitude, the League gifted me a 'historically accurate' hammer and assigned me to assist the Ironband Excavation nearby. There, we uncovered a treachery most foul, as one of the excavation members, Sean, turned out to be a Dark Iron loyalist and sabotaged a caravan carrying supplies. After I protected the caravan and ensured the shipment reached its destination safely, I discovered that the entire excavation site was infested with troggs. One would think the dwarves might have learned their lesson about digging too deep by now, but apparently, preserving the ancient history of the King's Lands takes precedence.

After a bit more 'population control,' I was sent to the Farstrider Lodge, located in the easternmost area of the map, where hunters congregate. I was assigned various quests to track down beasts across the region, but one particular request stood out: a gnome asked me to hunt down some rogue mechanostriders he had created. He plans to build the world’s first flying mechanostrider as a gift for his son. However, his son is preoccupied with other matters—and rightfully so. The Twilight Hammer cult has corrupted the land and is just a short drive from the Farstrider Lodge. It’s extremely concerning when a kid is the only one worried about these things. So now, all that's left is to deal with the cult and secure that sweet Loch Modan achievement!"

Until next time,

Blennon's journey takes place in the Argent Dawn(EU) server. If you want to keep following Blennon's adventures, subscribe to my blog via email or RSS feed.

Seeking Balance

Seeking Balance

Seeking Balance

Seeking Balance

Seeking Balance