Seeking Balance

Intro - A Journey Through Two Decades

Seeking Balance

This is me, Blennon.

I've returned to World of Warcraft, nearly two decades since my first journey began. Here I stand—a night elf druid, scarcely skilled in my craft, kicked from more parties than I care to admit. And this is Anvilmar, the cradle of dwarves, not night elves. I am geographically and culturally as far away from home as possible. No, I'm not lost - well, perhaps I am, in more ways than one. Lost and wandering, seeking the threads of my past (and my future) in an odyssey that begins in this snowy refuge and ends Titans-know-where.

In my youth, World of Warcraft was my playground. I traveled far and wide. Not to improve, but to explore. "Can I sneak past that dragon?" I wondered. "What happens if I fall from here?" I tested limits, not skills. Keys confused me. I often lost my party in dungeons. Still, I was happy. A 20-year-old with nothing but time, WoW, and beer. Pure bliss.

My best friend, let's call him "Frosty", was different. A gaming prodigy, he mastered every game he ever touched, including WoW. If this was today, he'd be a streaming star. But me? I was -and still am- his opposite. For years, I've wrestled with self-worth and image. The question lingered: why was Frosty the star and I the underdog? He was practical, a perfectionist. Frosty trained hard, striving to excel in every situation. I avoided struggle, content with just having fun. Yet, I often wonder, what if I had tried harder?

I know that pushing harder would have made me better. But that's not the real question. The real question is: if I had pushed myself, if I had become a better player, would I actually have been happier?

Perhaps it's the persistent seed of curiosity planted decades ago, now blossoming into a longing for the past. Maybe I yearn for the simplicity of who we once were. Or perhaps, amidst the upheavals of losing my parents and the changes in my hometown, World of Warcraft offers a semblance of stability and familiarity. Whatever the reason, I've made the decision to revive old man Blennon from retirement and embark on one more adventure.

Can I conquer this journey? And as I progress, will I find that my gaming skills naturally improve, or will I discover new ways to navigate life's challenges along the way?

Blennon's journey takes place in the Argent Dawn(EU) server. If you want to keep following Blennon's adventures, subscribe to my blog via email or RSS feed.