Seeking Balance

Living In The Past

Seeking Balance

Before we continue with my adventures to Loch Modan, I want to clarify how I experience the world, which might help you understand the challenges I face. I call my style of play 'Living in the past.' Going for the Loremaster title and facing enemies that would be significantly weaker than me while allowing myself all the luxuries of a max level character with up-to-date gear would fell very blunt, I would be practically steamrolling everyone I crossed paths with. So I took certain measures to make sure that everything is still relevant and even a bit challening at times, and I will expain these measures here.

Seeking Balance

As you can see, I’m at level 59, and my gear is a pastiche of uncommon, rare, and epic items. One of the main rules I’ve set for my Loremaster run is to avoid using any heirlooms. I only use gear and gold that I gather on my own. Crucial to making this run happen exactly as I want are two key figures: Chromie and Behsten.

Seeking Balance

Chromie is a bronze dragon in disguise who can cast 'Chromie Time' on you. This effect allows old zones to scale up or down to your level, enabling you to tackle content from any zone while still receiving rewards and challenges appropriate to your power level. However, there’s a catch: Chromie Time can only be applied to characters who are leveling. For your last 10 level ups, you must advance in the most recent content (currently, that’s levels 60-69 in the Dragon Isles, though this may change in the future).

Seeking Balance

Reaching level 60 would automatically eject me from Chromie Time. Since completing all Loremaster quests is impossible without hitting level 60 at some point, that’s where Behsten comes into play. Hidden in Stormwind, Behsten can, for a fee of 10 gold, deactivate your experience bar. With no experience bar, there are no level-ups, preventing you from reaching 60. This process is reversible of course. That means that I get to stay at level 59 potentially for ever, and experience everything the game has to share, scaled to my level.

Now you know the limitations of my playthrough: No XP, no heirlooms, no outside help, no Dragonflight. Let me close this post with a little inside joke. Behsten's Horde counterpart is called Slahtz. Put their names together and you have Behsten Slahtz = Best In Slots.

Until next time, Blennon

Blennon's journey takes place in the Argent Dawn(EU) server. If you want to keep following Blennon's adventures, subscribe to my blog via email or RSS feed.