Seeking Balance

Part 1 - Coldridge Valley - Where I'm recruited by the dwarves, trolled by the natives, and become chums with Grogg the Trogg.
Part 2 - Kharanos - Where I get fat and feathery, die horribly, and have a light brunch at the Thunderbrew Distillery.
Part 3 - Frostvale Retreat - Where I go undercover with the gnomes, order an air raid on local indigenous tribes for 'peacekeeping reasons', and catch a few Pokémon.
Part 4 - Amberstill Ranch - Where I hang out with dwarven cowboys, settle some old scores, and make a new friend.
Part 5 - Gol'Bolar Quarry - Where I discover a dwarven love nest, save some miners and their precious artifacts, and start an OnlyNelfs because I am short on gold.
Part 6 - Bahrum's Post - Where I say 'ICE TO MEET YOU' like it's still a thing, rob some robbers, and wear a pretty hat.
Part 7 - Ironforge Airfield - Where I join the vertically challenged firefighters, live out my Top Gun fantasies, and battle a dwarf riding a stone giant.
Part 8 - Ironforge - Where I finally return to Ironforge, rant about the good old days, and nearly cause a diplomatic inciddent that could end in a civil way.